Getting over the hurdle

The Research Article was on my to-do list, unchecked, every day haunting me. I had to start adding the unproductive things I did just for the satisfaction of checking something off (i.e browsing Airbnb for 2 hours dreaming of living in a ranch in Arkansas with my friends this summer).
I doubted myself and tried to create accountability milestones with people, even meeting with Maxine from the Comm Lab twice. I accidentally called her Justine and I feel horrible. People made it easier. Shoutout to Diana my lab partner for checking in on me as I attempted to work on the Research Article, and even more for pointing out which side of the heatmap significance scale was what. We scheduled a "productivity call" Saturday to work on the research article where she was productive and I'm not sure what I was. I am currently on a call with my Course 20 junior friends who are "bullying" me into finishing this article. It doesn't seem like its that hard to write yet it has tested me.

Life within my asparagus green walls has not changed much these past four weeks. I'm learning to appreciate the view and the sounds though. I hear roosters, birds, and Cuban men quite frequently. I have some nice palm trees and since I live behind a grocery store, the occasional truck delivering brand goods. Yesterday morning this was my view, a corona beer truck that made it look like I was in a threatening beach.
My parents come in and ask me if I still have homework every day as if it ever ended. Maybe now that the worst of 109 is over I might be able to watch Frozen 2 with them weeeee


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