Setting New Goals


We are done with the research article! Over the past few weeks, I have discovered that I need to start reading more research articles. Not about anything in particular, but to just expose myself to things. It would have been useful practice for the journal club. It also would have been nice to know about more things going on in the bioE field so that I could come up with better ideas for the project proposal. I feel bad relying on Desmond so much but he really is out here suggesting things that I have never heard of before that all seem genuinely interesting. Lastly, it would have been nice to have read a bunch of papers because I would have a better idea of how people write them and actually have things flow together. Writing this research article was HARD. It took so much longer than I thought it would. I really struggled with the discussion section. I feel like I don't really know enough to suggest good future works. I also have no clue what is going on in the field related to our topic. Every time I tried to pubmed search something to include, it seemed like nothing really fit the way I wanted. I don't really know... But in conclusion, it is now one of my quarantine goals to read a paper a week, but this will probably be as successful as my goal to work out every day (I've worked out 3 times).

Wish me luck!


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