Reflecting on research article

Since today would have been the Boston Marathon, it seems fitting that I feel like I just ran one. This research article was definitely not an easy task and my procrastination didn't help. After writing the data summary, I felt I had a better understanding of how to write about data and interpretations, but actually sitting down and letting those words come out required great activation energy. One part I did enjoy was creating the figures which was the part I started with, although I probably spent too much time trying to make them look prettier. I think I particularly struggled with figuring out how to take all these analysis results from different experiments to create a cohesive, compelling story. Re-reading through prelab slides and googling helped me understand what we gathered from each component of this module. The comments on homework assignments also really helped to guide my writing in the right direction. I found it really helpful to discuss with peers as well, to confirm both of our understanding. Making conclusions about what we had analyzed was also difficult in the discussion section because I couldn't really see a clear conclusion as in the data summary, where we identified specific ligands. Overall, I am glad that this assignment is completed and I catch my breath for a little bit. 



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