au revoir

It's hard to believe that sophomore year is essentially over. These past several weeks have especially been very odd and I think I've still had a weird time processing how much things have changed (and will change) with our MIT education. Moving 109 to an online format is no easy task, HUGE shoutout to all the instructors and professors for being so on top of your shtuff and doing lots of the heavy lifting in our transition to ZoomU. Also big shoutout to Becky for answering my 100 emails <33333

I just turned in my mini report, and now I'm writing my absolute final assignment of this class (dis blog). It feels WEIRD. When did I ever NOT have assignments for 109? It just became such a constant part of my weekly routine that now that I won't have figures or outlines due, I won't know how to act. 

I also wanted to reflect a bit on our proposal presentations because I thought they were super super cool. I know that Karenna and I had a really great time reading about phytoplankton and climate change, and I thought everyone's ideas were very well thought out and well explained! The presentations were also kind of a fun concluding activity. We spent so much time in lab together that we inevitably formed this community bonded through shared work (and some fun too). 

I look back on the early days of 109 when it took me forever to make 1 figure, and I just have to laugh. I've learned so much in this class but it's hard to recognize until I think back to how much I struggled with certain assignments compared to when I do them now. The struggle was worth it, kids. We're done!

It's been a wild ride in 20.109 everyone! Have a great summer, can't wait to hear all about the awesome things you guys get up to. Hopefully I'll be hearing about your proposal ideas getting funded by the Gates Foundation or something (hahaha)....

Over and out.


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